White Rose DTP Collaborative Award Funding
The funding landscape in UK higher education has grown ever more competitive over the last decade, with success rates for many schemes falling below 10%.
The funding landscape in UK higher education has grown ever more competitive over the last decade, with success rates for many schemes falling below 10%.
“The democratisation of research has been identified as one of the key methodological challenges of the 21st century” (Edwards and Brannelly, 2017) Over the past
In 1995 Robert Putnam wrote a fascinating and highly influential essay called Bowling Alone. Within this, and the subsequent book published in 2000, Putman documented
There has been a long-running debate within academia about the accessibility of the research that we conduct. It seems somewhat perverse that we, as academics,
One of the most frightening aspects of teaching in higher education in the UK is that it is predominantly something that you learn “on the
A large part of my role at Sheffield University is teaching organizational behaviour to undergraduate students. I lead a module of around 350 2nd year
Democracy to Come was devised as a website to disseminate information about how we might move towards achieving more democracy at work. During my travels
One of the central challenges of being an academic is attempting to translate what we write about in our publications into some kind of meaningful
I have now worked at three business schools in my relatively short academic career: Leeds, Durham and Sheffield. All three of them really lovely places
Several years ago at the very start of my journey into exploring democratic organizations, I visited Nixon McInnes, a digital consultancy company based in Brighton.